Chapters featuring "Thundersley"

The Confusion Begins

In which the Moorgate Institute of Classical Female Elders reopen communications with the Pimlico League of Educated Ladies in order to heal old wounds. New ones are just around the corner, however…

Aunt Enid and the Thundersley

A tale of alcoholism, chocolate coated peanuts and evil towards rabbits – not to mention the strange and disturbing truth about Ms. Zimmer’s mode of transport and the whereabouts of her aunt.

Firestorm Over Europe

As if the Second World War had not been traumatic enough the destructive power of a super-charged Aunt Enid is unleashed during the ladies’ ill-conceived tour of Europe…

Muffins, Museums and Marijuana

The aftermath of the trip to Europe is great and far reaching, but at least most of the ladies have returned in one piece. An anniversary is celebrated, but none of the ladies are truly prepared for the shocking disappearance of Aunt Enid and the Thundersley…

Words of Wisdom

On Being Old. It’s not nice but take comfort that you won’t stay that way for ever.

— J. P. Donleavy

Top Tip!

  • Stained Steel

    Baby oil is excellent for cleaning brushed stainless steel. However it is not advisable to squeeze it from your neighbours’ babies. Instead choose one from a few streets away so no suspicion falls on you.