
The Confusion Begins

In which the Moorgate Institute of Classical Female Elders reopen communications with the Pimlico League of Educated Ladies in order to heal old wounds. New ones are just around the corner, however…

The Death of Ms. Alice Zimmer

Ms. Alice Zimmer – much to the surprise of everyone (including herself) – appears to have passed away. The state of affairs is unexpectedly short-lived, which proves to be of no comfort whatsoever to the sacrificial offering.

Aunt Enid and the Thundersley

A tale of alcoholism, chocolate coated peanuts and evil towards rabbits – not to mention the strange and disturbing truth about Ms. Zimmer’s mode of transport and the whereabouts of her aunt.

Chariots of Fire

The groups make a visit to a London sanatorium in order to partake of the waters for the good of their health. Regrettably the mortality rate proves to be rather higher than one might reasonably expect.

The Hackney Marsh Debacle of 2002

The ladies prepare for the annual gathering of various ladies’ organisations, fervently hoping that for once the event will be free of young men, whistles and rainbow flags. Once again, however tragedy strikes – but at least the young men all claim to be happy.

The Kerb-Crawling of Ms. Alice Zimmer

Following a sequence of unseemly and ghostly goings on at a séance the ladies begin to plan for a holiday. Sadly it becomes apparent that Ms. Zimmer is back to her old tricks…

Firestorm Over Europe

As if the Second World War had not been traumatic enough the destructive power of a super-charged Aunt Enid is unleashed during the ladies’ ill-conceived tour of Europe…

Muffins, Museums and Marijuana

The aftermath of the trip to Europe is great and far reaching, but at least most of the ladies have returned in one piece. An anniversary is celebrated, but none of the ladies are truly prepared for the shocking disappearance of Aunt Enid and the Thundersley…

Up the Junction!

Hunting for the Thundersley – not to mention its occupier – the ladies are led on several terrifying missions into the dark dank underworld of Borough and London Bridge. What does “under the royal something grows” actually mean? And will anyone live to tell the tale…

Down the Tubes

With the monstrous form of Aunt Enid ensconced in the abandoned King William Street tube station, the ladies are forced into taking desperate action to extract her. After the damage inflicted by the Peanut Brittle, will the Northern Line ever be the same again? (And more to the point, will anyone notice?)

Tiramisu, Aadvocat and Hecate

Following a period of inactivity, the ladies suggest bringing a few select members together for some festive celebrations. If only they can keep Miss Gregson away – not to mention that awful Juno Baker.

Spring Awakening

Disaster strikes the chapter house of the Pimlico Leage of Educated Ladies when a fireball marrs the Crepe Suzette competition. But despite the tragedy – and Mrs Linden – the groups begin to plan their spring gathering…

Words of Wisdom

On Being Old. It’s not nice but take comfort that you won’t stay that way for ever.

— J. P. Donleavy

Top Tip!

  • Five a Day

    Many members are concerned they are not getting enough greens in their diet due to soaring vegetable prices. Miss Trubshawe, however, suggests they simply turn off their all-electric refrigeration cabinet. Given enough time, she assures us, everything inside the device will become green.