
April 12, 2009

Sometimes a thing rears up that is far too hard when all you want to do is let it all wash over you. There’s nothing wrong with that attitude, but apathy butters no parsnips. Take matters in hand now and you should be able to relax later with a smile on your face.

Fate is considering a move to the country.
Luck is glowering and suggesting Israel.
Don’t Forget: Honey is just congealed bee spit.


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Words of Wisdom

I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

— Winston Churchill

Top Tip!

  • Dealing with Stray Cats

    Miss Flaubert recommends Vicks Vapo-rub for keeping cats out of your garden. As long as you’re careful the creeping tom will merely be stunned by the jar, but not permanently damaged (thus avoiding any complications with the Bow Street runners).