Firestorm Over Europe

To: Marjorie Bathsheba Catheter Jodrell-Bentley

Subject: Hello?


I am now extremely concerned. Are you injured in some way? Where are you?

This is all proving to be most trying without you. I am about to go and be interviewed by the local authorities with regards to last night’s events. Apparently Miss Twigham was under the influence of something called “Liquid Gold” and hadn’t realised “Murder on the Dancefloor” is a song, not an instruction.

Thank heavens I’d managed to obtain the flagpole or she could have done some serious damage.

Yours concernedly,


Words of Wisdom

Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened.

— Jennifer Yane

Top Tip!

  • Christmas Shopping

    Mrs Broadhurst reminds us that charity shops can be a treasure trove when present shopping. Semi-soiled nightwear, Jackie Collins books with the smut inked out, records of traditional Scots music… all have their fans!