Down the Tubes

To: Marjorie Bathsheba Catheter Jodrell-Bentley

Subject: Sallying Forth

I have primed my ladies, a few of whom have in turn drafted in able relations to stand guard over the stations towards Morden. Miss Marchant has in turn contacted her nephew, Nathan, who has also acquired radio devices by which we can communicate across distance.

With that in mind, however, might I suggest that Miss Fraubert be instructed to stay clear of these operations? I suggest this purely because the metal plate in her head does tend to behave very oddly in close proximity to radio equipment. (I’m sure we all recall the occasion years back in Highgate Village when she strayed too close to the aerial mast and the resulting resonance activated all the car alarms in a two mile radius.)

Custody of the ginger wine I will admit seems to bear an onerous weight of responsibility, but such things must be borne when duty calls. I may, however, delve into my emergency kit for a pair of rubber gloves in case anything should seep. (It pays to be prepared, after all.)

I have allocated all the equipment required and assigned my ladies (and their associates) to their stations.

I myself shall meet you at the Borough at 1:30. In the meantime I will busy myself praying to various and sundry deities to assure our success.

Words of Wisdom

The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.

— Lucille Ball

Top Tip!

  • Wardrobe Malfunctions

    Recent casualties have brought to our attention that users of the “Wilberforce Patent Double-Gusset and Splashback” should remember said items are perishable and should be regularly replaced in order to avoid whiplash.