And you read it all?

At first we simply amused ourselves by reading several indignant attacks on the Times’ Crossword Compiler, but eventually we came across the missives to and from Ms. Rossington-Smythe.

Finding ourselves quite captivated by the strange new world presented before us, we sensed that we had stumbled onto an area of genuine interest and it was but the work of moments to obtain all existing writings and ensure that subsequent contact would be forwarded directly to our own accounts.

Words of Wisdom

Don’t put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That’s why they’re called revolutions.

— Terry Pratchett, Night Watch

Top Tip!

  • Dealing with Heavy Soiling

    To remove heavy soiling, coat the offending area with melted chocolate and inform the local children that the item is sheet chocolate. Once the chocolate has been sucked out the item should be clean and can be washed as normal.